What is the difference in an annual, biennial, or triennial program?

An Annual Ownership:
Owners can take advantage of the right to usage on the resort once per year during the designated season, or give their villa to RCI in exchange for points to be used anytime during the year through the RCI system. The maintenance fee is due once per year.

Biennial Ownership:
Gives owners the right to usage on their resort once every other year during the designated season, or allows them to give their villa to RCI in exchange for points to be used each year through the RCI system. The maintenance fee is due once every two years.

Triennial Ownership: Owners can take advantage of the right to usage on their resort every three years during the designated season, or give their villa to RCI in exchange for points to be used each year through the RCI system. The maintenance fee is due once every three years..